Wansapanataym, a Filipino adaptation of “once upon a time,” also referred to as Wansapanataym Presents, is a fantasy anthology series produced by ABS-CBN, airing every Sunday evening. This series features tales of everyday individuals encountering magical and supernatural phenomena that transform their lives in remarkable ways. Much like the children’s program Hiraya Manawari, Wansapanataym integrates moral lessons for kids and teens, teaching values like courage, honesty, humility, love, respect, and more through Filipino folklore and original narratives.
Initially aired from June 22, 1997, to February 27, 2005, Wansapanataym took over The Sharon Cuneta Show slot, re-aired from 2006 to 2007, and made a comeback with fresh episodes from September 11, 2010, to April 7, 2019, replacing Agimat: Ang Mga Alamat ni Ramon Revilla and later replaced by Hiwaga ng Kambat. The show was also part of the ABS-CBN Yes Weekend! primetime block, presenting new content and revamped episodes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Wansapanataym resumed airing on weekends in 2020 until ABS-CBN’s broadcast franchise expired.
As the longest-running fantasy anthology series on Philippine television, Wansapanataym celebrated its 19th year in 2019, hailed as “the original storybook of Filipino children.” Throughout the years, it expanded to include romantic comedies, action-adventure, horror, and science fiction elements, all while remaining deeply rooted in fantasy.
🎬 🍿 Wansapanataym October 27, 2024 | Full Episode in 720p High Definition